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Tom Racek's 

Stunts & Choreo 





Include as many details so I can better help your production.

Stunt & Choreography Training 

Stunt Coordinator

Hire as a Stuntman 

What other Professionals are saying...

Priorities: Safety, Professionalism

Full Sail Productions 

Meek Makes Movies

HAN SAM JUNG Productions

Fuss Box Productions 

Tom has a strong understanding of the production process, and how stunts fit into said productions. He plans everything out, ensures all safety protocols are followed, ensures the proper acrobatics are performed during fight scenes, prop weapons are safe and handled properly. Tom has had an impeccable record on all of our shoots, which he’s acted as stunt coordinator. ”

Andrew Byrd,

 Producers Guild of America Member 

 Course Director: Full Sail University

I've had the pleasure of working with Tom on multiple productions. His incredible work ethic shines right away, and his set etiquette asks you realize that he is someone you can trust with great responsibilities.  

  I know Tom prioritizes safety on set, he also works hard to avoid compromising the elements of art that tell a more compelling story. I wholeheartedly plan to rely on his talent and expertise for my upcoming projects." 

Ermir M. B.

Producer, Director, Content Creator  

He's one of the most experienced martial artists and that I have trained and trained with. He's a fearless uke, and willing to constantly grow, adapt and explore. He's generous with his knowledge, patient and above all passionate about what he does." 

John Palumbo 

1st Dan Aikido 

3rd Dan Shotokan 

Jiu Jitsu Practionier 

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